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Friday, August 29, 2008

I see stories XD

Friday 27/8/2008

Lol... As the title suggests, I see my friend Preegay write a story, so I wanna post one too. However, my fellow close classmates may be a little angry when they see this as they may think: This is not me! But hey, I'm making a fool of myself too. XD Anyway, this story has a similar idea to a story belonging to a author Scarletfirez or firefly. Either way, this idea belongs to them.

I'm tweaking the story to fit my characters in. Enjoy this story.

Disaster Holiday- Valentine's Day. Part 1 [Rachel]

Janice never knew that such a kind of holiday existed until she saw an advertisement on television. She stared at the television and read the slogan: The best for your loved ones on this Valentine's Day. Janice ran to her room and took out a dictionary, checking up the mysterious holiday. The dictionary described it as: a festival in which people present gifts to their loved ones. She decided to celebrate that special holiday to show love and care for her nine friends. The best part was, the festival was tomorrow.

On Valentine's Day:

The alarm on her handphone sounded and she quickly turned it off. She sat up in bed and scratched her messy hair, squinting at the time that flashed on the electronic device: 7:30am. Today, it was Rachel's turn to prepare breakfast. She crept out of bed and was a little surprised to see that Janice's bed was empty. At the bed after Janice's, Amanda was still sleeping soundly. Trying not to wake her up, she took a dainty step and almost tripped over something.

She quickly grabbed her bedside table to prevent herself from hitting the ground. Rachel turned around and saw a package with a red envelope addressed to her.
"Ooh... I wonder who did this." she thought to herself.
When Rachel opened the envelope, a shower of red glitter fell onto her arms, hands and feet. She took out the red piece of paper within and read the poem:
My squirrel friend
with a broken heart
Don't be upset
Cheer up
My gift for you
will heal your heart
Happy Valentine's Day
She stared at the poem and at the box. She took off the cover and slipped her hand into it. Her fingers found the cold and hard surface of the object and pulled it out. Rachel stared at her present with her mouth dropped open; the present was a.................................................................
*drum roll*
"Oh my god, whoever you are, you really broke my heart! For Valentine's day, you send me a scotchtape! Why, cruel person, why?!" she cried out loud.
Rachel was so heartbroken, she forgotten that someone else was sleeping in the same room as her. Her speech and wailing woke Amanda up from her sleep.
I shall continue the next part, if I feel like it. By the way, today's teacher's day video cre8ed by 4MM still creeps me out. The Catherine part is very, very scary.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Friday 22/8/2008

Today is an interesting day. There was supposed to be a fire drill, but nothing happened because it rained. The rain came on and off, on and off and it was damn annoying. During Social Studies, my teacher: Mrs Tam didn't come. I later found out that it was because she had to attend a meeting.

As another teacher went through the answers for our CA2 exam paper, we asked her to photocopy the answer sheet. However, we were very disappointed when we found out that Mrs Tam refused to print anything for us anymore. You see, she kinda... gave up on us. Or rather she gave in to us to let some inconsiderate people to talk.

As the teacher went through the answer, practically half the class was talking. When Manisha, our class treasurer, asked for people to listen. They ignored her. I yelled at the class to shut up. I didn't know whether what I did was right, but I was feeling angry already. My friend Manisha criticized the class on our attitudes.

A few of my classmates were angry of course. The Tasmanian devil commented: "It is not the entire class that is guilty! Why must you scold of us!"
The other girl, Marrow yelled: "Who are you to scold us?!"
Well, I have one thing to tell you two: Go look at yourself in the mirror.

I have to say that I am really proud of Manisha. Those who are innocent can reflect while those who think that you are not in the wrong, you are the people that are dragging us down. Still there is a debate: Did Manisha do the right thing?

Sure, many people may hate her now. But hopeful what she did could bring the class to their senses. Poll on it on my tag board if you wanna. All you have to do is click onto the link: tag. Go ahead if you wanna.

Some people won't change,
because they're stubborn.
Some people reflect,
because they are sensitive.
We can't blame the stubborn ones much,
because its true.
That this is the way,
the way humans think.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bored again...

Sunday, 17/8/2008

Since I have nothing else to do, I shall follow Alice and answer the questions on Sunthari's blog as well:

1.The way to win your heart?

Ans: Impossible. No one has ever done it.

2.What did you do last night?

Ans: Er... Play com, write stories and fall asleep.

3.Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?

Ans: Nope. But there are plenty of Claire/Clare in my school. Please specify the one you are looking for in my math class or during recess.

4.Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Ans: The obvious answer is... NO!

5.One song that's meaningful to you ?

Ans: Er... The song called Legend. :3

6.Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?

Ans: I twirl it in dinners that have important guests, example: My father's friends. Other than that, I just shove it in my mouth straight.

7.Do you drink milk straight from the carton?

Ans: When I'm really thirsty, yeah.

8.How long is your hair?

Ans: Quite long... Somewhere down the middle of my back, but not at my waist.

9.Do you like Batman?

Ans: He SUCKS.

10.Who was the last person who told you they loved you?

Ans: Er... Sunthari, Felicia, Janice and Cindy. Aww.. Isn't that sweet?

11.Addicted to anything?

Ans: Computer and writing stories.

12.Do you like anyone now?

Ans: When talking about friends and families, obviously I like them. But when talking about crushes, I don't have one up till now.

13.When was the last time you sang out loud?

Ans: Never. I only hum the tune.

14.What did you have for breakfast?

Ans: Er... French Toast!!

15.Is your birthday on a holiday?

Ans: I rather have my birthday on a hoilday. Sadly for me, it is always during examination period.

16.What instant messaging service do you use?

Ans: Windows Live messenger.

17.Can you cook?

Ans: For now, instant noodles and french toast. My grandma is gonna teach me to cook the food I love to eat. :3

18.Did you have a nap today?

Ans: Once I wake up, I can't sleep all the way until night time. So, no.

19.What was the reason you got in trouble last?

Ans: Homework, homework and homework.

20.What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?

Ans: Jeans. But sweats when my mom forces me into them.

21.When is your birthday?

Ans: Go ask Joyce Loke from 3A.

22.Do you swear a lot ?

Ans: Sadly yes, a bad habit I try to correct.

23.Where did you get the shirt(s)you're wearing?

Ans: From shops my mom drags me into. Especially during big sales.

24.Do you have any regrets?

Ans: Not really.

26.What was your first alcoholic drink?

Ans: I made my dad lemme try some beer. It was horrible.

28.What color are your favorite shoes?

Ans: NIL. I don't have a favourite shoe.

29.Who would you like to see right now?

Ans: Er... no one.

30.Are you a social or antisocial person?

Ans: Supposed to be antisocial. But now that I have a considerably large circle of friends at school, does that make me social?

31.Have the cops ever come by your house?

Ans: Nope.

32.Ever been in love?

Ans: You already know the answer: No.

33.Ever had braces?

Ans: Once in Pri.4, another in sec 1. I'm on retainers now.

34.Who was the first person to really break your heart?

Ans: No one.

35.What do you wear to bed?

Ans: Clothes, duh.

36.Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?

Ans: My first best friend was my classmate and my neighbour. Although she still lives in the opposite end of the floor, I don't speak to her anymore.

37.Who was the last person to disappoint you?

Ans: Myself.

38.Do you trust people?

Ans: They have to go through certain tests first. Although they don't know it.

39.Who was the first person you talked to today?

Ans: Just like everyday, my grandmother. I have to greet her everyday. :D

40.Who was the first person to text you today?

Ans: Er... No one. I don't receive calls and messages almost everyday.

41.What was the first thing you did this morning?

Ans: Wake up, then go back to sleep. XD

Alright, alright.

Saturday, 16/8/2008

Due to my CA2, I was unable to come online and play games or update this blog. However, even though I am very lazy after this examination, I have to update my blog otherwise a funeral procession will be held for it. Organiser of the funeral: Alice Chan. lol...

Anyway, I learnt quite a few things during this one week. Let's begin with the ten lessons I learnt:

Lesson No.1: Studying at the last minute doesn't help. Make sure all your notes are with you. Only then, a last minute study will help. XD

Lesson No.2: My little sister's classmate, Amelia Loo, is the little sister of my friend: Amanda Loo. How come I didn't know that until this week?!

Lesson No.3: There are more types of people like Amanda back in her hometown. One example: Amanda's friend, Shunatsu. This is the first time I hear a theory on acorns XD.

Lesson No.4: Hamster are forever cute!!!

Lesson No.5: Ice cream soft toys are the best choice for bringing out into the public. They never attract attention, probably because no one will stare at a 60cm tall ice cream.

Lesson No.6: I am getting lamer as the day goes by. And because of my lameness, Janice is going to show how I can introduce myself in different kinds of lame ways. These are things I'll never do or say until my head cracks.

Lesson No.7: After doing some research and doing probability sums, I had just found out that my chance of passing one subject nonetheless equals to 0%.

Lesson No.8: Malaysia, the country that brings out the Malay in sia. [not meant to offend anyone]

Lesson No.9: The reason I hate having a blog: it is always under the threat of funerals.

Lesson No.10: Now that I look closely, Ignatius does look like a girl, with manly parts (Really?).

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friendship Depression Week, lol...

Saturday, Singapore National Day 9/8/2008

First of all, I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SINGAPORE!!! Today was kinda boring except that I received an sms from Preeya after Alice informed me in msn. Heres the thing, [real names will not be revealed but for my classmates, you should know who is who]:

P was acting... strange for the past few days. She was focused and serious in her studies, but too serious. I won't go into that particular event except for this one:
As we had the inter-class competiton, our class had nothing better to do than go participate. :) Although I had to admit that the dance wasn't so great, I cannot comment much to them. But I think P must be possessed to do this: she went up to the Tasmanian Devil and told her straight to her face that their dance wasn't good.

I didn't learn of this until my friends told me. At first, I didn't want to believe it. P will never do such a thing. Perhaps it was because she was under stress, but she did it alright. Tasmania was obviously angry. But P tried to apologise to the devil but she rejected the apology.

I don't understand for what reason, P seems to be... away from us. I knew that there will always be obstacles ahead to test our friendship with one another. This was one of them. Anyway, the sms was regarding that matter. I didn't understand when she asked if we would trust which side of the story. I mean, there was only one view, unless Tasmania gave another version.

Either way, P, you should know this, all of us: Sunthari, Rachel, Janice, Min Yee, Alice, Wan Yi, me and many more people in our group will definitely trust you. No matter what difficulties or misunderstandings you have, we will solve it together. After all, as Sunthari mentioned in her blog, what are friends for?


Monday, August 4, 2008

Busy, busy, sick...

Monday, 4/8/2008

Today, I was so so so busy... During the weekends, we didn't do much about our PBL project. But today, we rushed it in the night, for example right now. National Day is coming up and I'm the one hoisting the National Flag for the ceremony. Because I had never raised a flag before, I am forced to raise one tomorrow.

After CCA, I went home with Felicia, Janice and Cindy. She was so sick today; she made something for D&T and I tried to guess what she made. When I said that it looked like a bed, Cindy started giggling. It was obvious she was thinking of something dirty. But Janice herself blurted it out (I won't tell you).

I was yelling at her that she was sick but Cindy made an even more sicker comment. I am proud of myself for not vomitting after hearing it. ^^

After I reached home, showered and ate my dinner. I asked my mother for permission to use this laptop to discuss the project with my team mates, like right now. As I am thinking of ideas for our presentation, I am typing this XD.

Now for my thoughts:
Preegay is kinda... distant. For the first half of the year, she would become hyper and funny, something all of us liked. Sometimes, she would tell us that she would get serious and study hard for the exams. Still, she never lost her hyperness.

Now, she starts hanging out with Ying Ting and Sukbir, not that I mind. It is great to meet more new people and make more friends. She still hangs out with us, but I don't know what happened. She seldom talks to me, only to ask a math question or talk about projects. It's like... we are still friends, but we ignore each another most of the time.

Just now, she left the msn chatroom with us because she wanted to concentrate. What is wrong with joking around for a few minutes. At least that could lighten the mood! Today, I was so angry with my father for scolding me, I accidentally said that 'F' word. Preeya hated that word and I forgot all about it. Is that the reason why she hates me? Am I getting more and more rude?

At girl guides, I told Vani that I had a feeling that Sunthari, Alice,Vani and the others are getting irritated by me. I feel that when I spoke to them, all I talk is about my personal life. I am using vulgar languages sometimes. When I say that they were ignoring me, Sunthari would look at me and ask: 'yeah?' or 'what?'. I really get the feeling that they... can't be bothered with me.

Even my own relatives can't be bothered with me. I have to call their names a few times and they either respond or totally ignore me. My relatives were reluctant to even speak to me. That was the reason I do not wish to converse with them. Only my aunt seems to like me though... I know that when they read this, they would think like: "No, you are overimaginating!" but that's how I feel. I'm sorry. Don't bother trying to make me feel different, I've had enough of that.

I also get the feeling that Felicia, Cindy and Janice feel frustrated as well. Everytime, I always come to their house to do homework or for the simple reason of strangling Janice. They must be thinking: "Why must she always come to my house? She has her own house and she is bothering us, so why did she come!"

Janice, don't bother trying to make me feel better either. Like you, some things can never change. Making me feel better will only make me feel worse. And if you think that this is too much, don't. This is just the surface.

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Friday, August 1, 2008

Work, work, work!

Friday 1/8/2008

The first day of August; also known as the start of the hungry ghost festival. Lol... but since the word 'ghost' is taboo during this period, we shall rename it: The Hungry Gayle Festival. Sorry, Gayle, no food for you. You practically ate all the chocolates I brought home. My poor candy T_T....

For the past few days, my world revolved around homework, studying for tests and revising for my upcoming CA2... Okay, I didn't have time to revise but hey, at least I studied for the test... :3
Today, the weekend finally came. As I am typing this is the night, I feel so tired after burning midnight oil for the entire week. Everyday as a minimum of at least one test. The highest no. was 3.

As it was a weekend, after discussing my PBL (Problem Based Learning) project with my groupmates, I waited for my friend: Felicia, who had 'extra lessons'. Apparently, she had to stay back because she left her homework at home. It is completely impossible to finish all 15 math questions in the day even though I'm helping.

In the end, Miss Sim (sorry if spell wrongly) was kind enough to let Felicia bring it home. She still remembered my name!! :3 After going home, I bought Mcdonalds and received the fourth cup in the promotion. Only one more to go!! Then again... maybe my sister should eat the meal, I'm getting fatter no matter how many times I swim.

After having my lunch, which was about 6pm++, I asked Janice and Felicia to go swimming with me. It was the first time Janice said 'yes' in months. My grandmother cooked a special: rice cakes for me to take down and eat with Janice, Cindy, Felicia, my sister Gayle and me!! It is soft and sweet, me love it!! X3

We swam until about 9pm++. We played ball, we talked and swam for awhile. Cindy was so sick; she tried to tell me one of her sick stories. I had to listen because if I didn't, my stupid sister has to listen to it, then I have to listen to her tell sick stories. Everytime Cindy got to the disgusting part, I ducked my head under water. Lol...

